Cannabis has been recognised as medicine in a historic UN vote

A historic vote at the United Nations (UN) has recognised the medicinal value of cannabis and removed it from a list of dangerous drugs which are placed under the strictest controls.

The drug was previously listed on Schedule IV of the UN Commision on Narcotic Drugs’ list, which features other dangerous and tightly controlled substances, including heroin, fentanyl analogues and other opioids.

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The vote to downgrade the drug follows the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendation last year to make it easier to conduct research into cannabis’s medicinal uses.

Still banned for non-medical use

The news of the downgrade does not necessarily pave the way for worldwide legalisation of the drug. Despite the UN now recognising the drug as a medicine, marijuana remains banned for non-medical use.

Cannabis will still remain on Schedule I of the convention, which means it will continue to require the highest levels of international control.

The vote will leave marijuana and cannabis resin on the list of Schedule I drugs, which also includes cocaine, fentanyl, OxyContin and morphine

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